Monday, November 28, 2016

Microsoft.Windows.10.XPedition.x64-LiteOS - 2017

Microsoft.Windows.10.XPedition.x64-LiteOS - 2017

31/12/2016 18:04Microsoft.Windows.10.XPedition.x64-LiteOS - 2017

DotNet3.5 wont install

XPedition is base on Windows XP consept
From Windows 7 Microsoft decide to make OS with a lot of new features
some of them are not needed, some of them are need but are hogging the PC when u got low end PC or just using it for media Center PC

Starting with Win7 xp edition was pretty easy, I used Windows Standard 7
now with Win10 its much more complex cos i need to make all from full os and make it smaller and much more responsive

So gonna make it slowly, this version will be a bit tweaks with more features removed then normal
but not needed that much
work on it for weeks, and had few breakthroughs :) , hope u enjoy it and please feedback to make it better
the next version will be impact from ur feedbacks

Lite Syetem Version: 4v RC, XPedition R1

1.2GB / 7.5GB