Normal - is removing most of the features that is unneed for desktop users
such as: Metro apps and more [check tweaks and removal page]
XPedition - is like Normal with push to better responsive performance
its always in research mode, always tweaks will added more services tweaks
and remove extra features that can be for small group needed
SystemCore - gonna be a very lited windows, to the BONE!
all the features that come with windows will be removed like:
Windows Search,Windows Update Powershell etc
very basic features that use broadly will be removed
similar to Linux that only come with basic apps like notepad, browser
same concept
RAMOS - based on WindowsPE, small as 200mb, load to ram and discard change when rebooting
USB-OS - same as ram but without the discarding changes, after restart changes will apply
What u think?
give me ur ideas