Saturday, August 15, 2020

Windows 10 Home 1909 X64 JULY 2020 {MS} - LiteOS-WinStore

480mb memory usage on idle

Working and not removed:
Windows Store[not fully tested], Cortana, Edge

Windows Defender, metro apps

normal tweaks 

Download Source:


SVF Download:

open with smartversion or svf extractor
target file:

Shell: Startisback


  1. Man, I just found a software which can help in more less ram usage, when I was making a build I used that, and my RAM usage when from 675 to directly 319 mb! That's ridiculous! It's called MemReduct

  2. Dude, one more question I have please try to answer! I always try to remove windows defender using powershell and I actually succeeds but the icon still remains on the Start Menu, any way to remov that from start menu?

    Note :- it doesn't happen when I do this in LTSC version, I just remove the defender from powershell and then right click on defender and select reset it. Which helps me to remove the icon from start menu, but not in any other editions like PRO HOME ENT. Etc

    Please help

    1. Im not sure that icon is relate to just av
      it also relate to smartscreen and more
      so maybe NTLite can remove it

    2. I removed everything like, smart screen disabled temper protection, but still the icon is there, I also tried the remove windows defender in program files and x86 also but still no luck, NT Lite requires premium membership in order to remove it, but my question is to you that, how do you remove it?

    3. i will check which tweaks remove it
      next time
      i didn't notice it got removed

      but usually i just disable it from task manager

  3. Memory diagnostic tool is available on this OS

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